So I have learned through this process of support raising that I am not very good at blogging. I don't find myself particularly interesting. I am slowly learning that the point of Twitter is to over-share your life. While I usually use social media to find out what others are doing, I forget that I am in the middle of something big that others want to know about. All that to say, I am trying to be better about updating.
Currently I am at 33% of my monthly and have about half of my one-time needs. It has been a slow process. God is undoubtedly working; it just becomes difficult to see it sometimes. I have been blessed with the support I have received so far, both financially and emotionally. I still have a long way to go and not a lot of time to do it in. I would like to go in October, but as it is the end of September now that is looking less and less likely. It is hard to constantly move your deadline back farther and farther.
I know the support is out there; I just have to find it. From the stage at church, singing with the praise team, I can see all the members of the church, the old members and the new. Looking out at all the faces, I know in my heart that I can get the rest of my support from that church, if only I could reach them. Herein lies the problem: I don't know how to get a hold of the new members. On many occasions I have been approached by people at church, for one reason or another, who seem to know who I am but I have no idea who they are. Some have even heard about my internship. But I don't know them!
The growth of Sagamore is a wonderful thing. I have been a member my entire life. Even going away to college, I never even considered changing my membership. Sagamore is the kind of church that, no matter how long you've been away, you always feel like it's home. People who left the church years ago still consider themselves "Sagamorons." With this in mind, I know that the people of Sagamore would help me, a young missionary who grew up in the church they have come to call home. Even the church is supporting me. Unfortunately with the privacy issues of today, I can't ask the church for any phone numbers.
So if you are a member of Sagamore or were looking for a way to give to missions, then I ask you to consider my need. I love that church, but right now God wants me in Slovakia and I believe He wants to use you to get me there. I am also still raising money for a plane ticket. If you are a frequent flier willing to donate some miles, let me know. I accept gifts of all sizes. Please join me in prayer that I can get in touch with the people I need to complete my support team.